Author Archives: Debbie Smith
Raggie reef teeming with raggedtooth sharks
Its not just about the little silver fish aka sardines. Its about such a variety [...]
Sustainable seafood treat for our clients
Our amazing crew on their down day catching and preparing an amazing sustainable seafood feast [...]
Sardine Run 2019
Some epic encounters these last few days
Sardine run 2019
Day 12 action forming with proper Natal sardine splintered action all over but nothing balling [...]
Action action and more..
Sardine run day 6 and 7 have been awesome. Baitballs popping up all over the [...]
Sardine run 2019 epic baitball day
An epic day 6.So much going on. Sharks on the action. Brydes whales and more…
Kicking off the 2019 sardine run season
Offshore II with Rob at the helm kicking off the Port St Johns 2019 sardine [...]
Game on…sardine run 2019
Our pilot and 2nd boat skipper have arrived.Dive guides arrive later and we kick this [...]
Offshore II arrived safely in Port St Johns
Our new 8m vessel arrived safely last night and about to be put into the [...]